VLIR-UOS grant of €150,000 will fund a 3-year training programme on data science and data management, organised as a partnership between KU Leuven (Belgium), the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador) and the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science.

Using the expertise and curriculum of the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science, this programme will train researchers and higher education institutions (HEI) professionals in Ecuador and neighbouring countries, through a series of annual 2-week data science schools.

Through a train-the-trainer approach, an expanding group of trainees will become agents of change to teach data skills in their respective institutions and in regional data science schools in subsequent years, and apply the skills learned in their own work.

The first data science school of the series will take place in Leuven in August 2025, training 13 scholars that will then apply these skills in their own work and become instructors for the next rounds of training.

Read more about this initiative and get in touch with the coordinators, here.